this is a place where weird anecdotes are inspirational, the ability to stay random means everything but staying true to yourself means SO much more ... don't just find yourself ... CREATE ✝


feels like home to me

the other day i was driving home and as i felt the sun shine down on the windows of the car, i closed my eyes and had memories of my life pass me by.

i closed my eyes and remembered my childhood.
i remembered things that seemed so easy to forget.
i remembered what it felt like to be young and stick my feet in the sand and feel happiness. i remember what it felt like to have my day pass me by so quickly as i built sand castles that i wish i could live in.
i remembered what freedom felt like while i flew through the air on my swing, and how the sun would go down the higher i got it seemed.
i remembered that riding my bike with no hands felt like i was unstoppable, and when i was with my friends my days weren’t long enough.
i remember my dad always willing to stay up late to help me finish my homework, no matter how long it took me to understand. 
high school dances meant first kisses.
g1s meant independence and too many fights with dad.
g2s meant lectures on seat belts and belting out your favorite songs with your favorite friends.
i remembered what it felt like to laugh so hard i cried, and sometimes cry so hard i laughed.
i remember what first heart breaks felt like and how it seemed like you would never put the pieces back together, but you did. 
i remembered what it felt like to depend on your friends for support or comfort, and if they weren’t there your mums arms were always opened.
i remember what it felt like to lay in the grass in the backyard and have nothing on your mind. i learned that the moments would never last forever because they go by quicker then they are captured. i remembered to hold onto things that felt like home because it slips away if we let it go. it reminded me that finding your way back to people means they never really left you, and if we hold onto memories we can hold onto feelings.
and ones that feel like home are never worth giving up or forgetting.
© nldm

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