this is a place where weird anecdotes are inspirational, the ability to stay random means everything but staying true to yourself means SO much more ... don't just find yourself ... CREATE ✝


when you were young

when you were young life was much simpler.
simple things would put a smile on your face and fear didn’t ever exist.
being young meant being indestructible.
it meant having the courage to climb to the top of the highest snow bank and slide all the way down without fear of ever hurting yourself.
the faster you went the more it meant.
how you landed didn’t matter.
being young meant swinging as hard and as high as you could in order to jump further through the air.
there was no sense of fear.
just the sense of being able to fly for those short few seconds.
it didn’t matter to you the higher you got.
the higher you got meant the further you could fly.
the higher you could swing yourself allowed you to believe you were free.
the landing was never a concern.
being young meant that you weren’t scared to let go of the handle bars on your bike.
those short few seconds where you could ride with no hands didn’t compare to the pain you may have felt if you ever hit the pavement.
hitting the pavement didn’t matter.
the landing never mattered.
as we grow older we are consumed with the idea of landing.
the higher we climb.
the longer we swing.
the faster we ride without holding on.
we fear how we will land.
we know now that we are destructible.
we know that if we let go we will feel the pain and the pain is what we fear.
as you grow older you hesitate climbing higher mountains for fear of falling off.
you don’t swing as hard or as high as you did when you were a kid for fear of having to let go and fly.
when you grow up you never want to let go of the bars on your bike because its all that is steady. 
the older we get the more fear we have.
you learn that the higher you get the harder you will fall.
but if you fear climbing as high as you can, or swinging as hard as you can, or riding with no hands you will never know how far you can get.
and if you don’t learn to pick yourself back up you will never fly yourself anywhere. 
© nldm

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